The 5£ book that changed my life

So here you are, you want to get your life together and have tried but failed many times…

However, you feel like this year could be the year. The year for you to reach your full potential, start planning and prioritize your goals.

But what truly makes the difference? Why is this year YOUR year, while you failed to achieve half of what you thought about these past few years?

The answer is simple: your mindset.

The way you approach success is what will make you successful. And I’ve learned that the hard way.

We all caught ourselves targeting a goal, to later reassess it and comment « ok, maybe not that much. Less will be more achievable ». Lowering your standards and goals won’t make them more reachable, your mindset will.

I have understood that through reading books written by entrepreneurs, speakers and inspiring leaders that are not necessarily J.K.Rowling in the way they write but provide a simple, effective method to change your mindset to attract abundance, start hustling and work smartly.

I would first recommend you a CLASSIC, It took me about two years to sit down and finally read it in an hour, and trust me, if I read it two years ago, it would have put me so much more ahead in my life.

The book is : rich dad, poor dad (here)


Kiyosaki explains how he received two educations throughout his life that made him a successful and hungry entrepreneur. His poor dad ( his real dad) is a teacher and has the habit of saying, we can’t afford that, go to school so that you’ll get a good job and financial stability to pay the bills. His rich dad, a friend’s dad, taught him how money works, something they don’t teach at school, not to say « I can’t afford it » but putting your mind to work by stating « HOW can I afford it ».

And trust me, since I’ve read this book, I constantly thought about this, amongst other golden pieces of advice he provides as well, and if you think about it daily, it means the book is lifechanging.

It is CHEAP but PRICELESS and probably the best way to start your journey toward financial freedom.

So stop making excuses and invest in yourself and your goals, right now.


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